trecking route adventures

How to make long road trips fun and adventurous


Long road trip – Ever been on one? First of all what is a long road trip? For some the idea of a long road trip is a big No-no while others enjoy the idea of being on a long road trip because they love to explore and adventure and yes long road trips can be quite adventurous.

What Is A Long Road Trip?

A long trip taken for pleasure or business in which the travel is on roads. You may take a long trip as an adventure mission or simply because that flight you could have taken to your destination is out of your budget.

Whatever the reason, you may at some point find yourself taking a road trip and a long one at that. Road trips can be fun, however, it’s no lie that at some point a long road trip may get quite boring and the next best and only thing to do is sleep for those who can, while for those who can’t counting moving trees may be the only other option.

So, what are some things you can do on a long road trip to minimize the boredom and the fatigue? Well, let your imagination a little loose because it all depends on how adventurous you are willing to be and, on your mindset, as you embark on the long road trip.

If you can only think what a long trip it’s going to be then trust me, that’s what you will get. However, if you see it as an adventure, then that’s exactly what it will be. In fact, everything will be an adventure including any mechanical breakdowns you may come across! Even that man selling corn by the roadside will be make the corners of your mouth curl up in a smile.

I was on a long road trip recently which took 18hours in total and I couldn’t believe that I hardly felt exhausted at the end of the trip.

Here is list of things I do to make my road trips as adventurous and fun as possible. I don’t necessarily do all of them, but I pick and choose what works best for me according to the mood of the moment.

First and foremost, choose a comfortable means to drive/travel. With a long road trip, comfort is a must even if it means parting with a few more pennies to get the comfort. Book yourself a comfortable bus or vehicle. If you can get one with a little toilet on board then that’ even better!
Be in the moment.

Regardless of how many times, you have been on a route, there is always something that you hadn’t noticed the last time you passed through that same route. Enjoy the scenery, the shape of the clouds as they pass by, the local activities by the roadside anything that keeps your eyes entertained.

Carry light leisure snacks to munch on. Snacks spice up any moment. So, stock up on crisps, popcorn, energy drinks, soda or anything that works for you. Try and keep it healthy by carrying some fruits snacks as well like grapes, apples, dried fruits and so on. Listen to some music or watch a movie. Some buses do have movies and music on board but where there isn’t, you can play your own on phone, download a few movies to watch enroute. As the saying goes, time flies when you are busy or having fun, the journey will seem faster because you are not focusing on it.

If you are driving by private means take short stops to stretch and walk a bit to keep your joints fluid and the blood flowing. Plan breaks after every 3hours or so and just rest up a bit.

If you are travelling by public means, then when it stops for toilet and meal breaks, get out and walk about even if you would rather stay slumped in your seat and dream that you are already there. Do a few stretches and even jumping jacks if you will. Why not?
If you are good at striking conversations, make a few travel friends while you travel and take in any experiences that may have to share especially if they are native to the area.
If travelling overnight, remember to keep warm and invest in a small travel pillow for your neck.

Take an interesting book with you to read or your diary with you if you keep one. Reading something sensational on a road trip spices the journey.
Take photos or selfies of yourself at every attraction you see along the way if possible
If travelling with others, play a card game or any other that your group will find interesting and engaging.

If travelling across an area with different cultures or tribes like in Africa, try and learn how to say hello in each different tribe or language that you come across. Learn a few cultures along the way too.

If your stomach is cuisine adventurous and won’t throw tantrums at you afterwards, then try and sample different foods along your journey.
Meditate, plan or reflect on some things you have not had time to do.
Post on social media. No doubt the viewer comments will keep you entertained as you chat back and forth.

Keep a travel journal of ‘what I saw along the way today’.
Stay hydrated to minimize headaches and fatigue especially if toilet breaks will not be a challenge.

Sit upright in your seat. Ensure that your seat is adjusted properly so that your blood flow is not interrupted. Poor blood circulation will give you swollen legs and feet.
If social media is your paradise, then chat away and indulge yourself.
Play games on your phone or devise.

Take a nap if you feel you need to and just rest your eyes and mind. It’s not possible to stay awake for the whole drive time sometimes so yes, switch off your eyes and mind and just nap. By the time you wake up another hour or so will be gone.


You probably can think of a few more other things to add to your own list of things to do to make that long road trip fun. Knock yourself out and indulge your imagination.